Tax Collector’s Legal Notice Town of Orange, CT

Per CGS 12-145, the second installment of the town tax on the 2022 Grand List of 1 October 2022 and the Supplemental Motor Vehicle taxes are due and payable on 1 January 2024. Payments received after 1 February 2024 are considered delinquent and are subject to the rate of 18% per annum, 1.5% per month, $2.00 minimum CGS 12-146, dating back to the original due date. Supplemental Motor Vehicle bills are payable in one installment. ALL TAXES ARE DUE 1 JANUARY 2024. We DO NOT rebill for second installments. Your tax bill has a January tax bill attached. FAILURE TO RECEIVE A TAX BILL DOES NOT EXEMPT YOU FROM PAYMENT OF ALL INTEREST CHARGES AND COLLECTION COSTS, per CGS 12-130, 12-148. Payments may be processed in person at the Town Tax Window in Town Hall, 617 Orange Center Rd, Orange, CT, Monday-Friday except holidays from 8:30 a.m. -12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Bring your entire three-part tax bill if you wish a receipt. A payment coupon or duplicate bill must accompany each payment. There is a $2.00 fee charged for each duplicate bill requested. Payments may also be made by US Mail. Only USPS stamped dates are considered valid for timely posting otherwise the dates will be as we receive them! If a receipt is desired a self-addressed stamped envelope must be included with your payment. We do not accept CASH payments through the mail, only in person at the tax window! Credit and Debit Card payments are accepted on-line, by interactive voice response(phone) 1-203-902-0387 or at the window (convenience fees apply). NOTE NEW VENDOR, Sturgis, a Catalis™ Company! See the Town of Orange website for details.
Town of Orange - C T - Tax ( Payment in minor coinage is limited to 25 cents or as acceptable to the Tax Collector.