Synergy at Amity Physical Therapy: Wellness & Fitness Reimagined

Twenty years ago, Michael Dow MSPT/CEO and Clinical Director, founded Amity Physical Therapy and presaged the area's first synergistic therapy-fitness-wellness center. In the “Fitness/Wellness” division of is practice, he evolved his concept carefully and methodically. Always committed to detail and perfection, Dow embraces both patients and fitness clients. “ On one hand, we treat patients with a wide variety of injuries while we professionally conduct personal fitness programs using certified fitness trainers”.
“It's best of both worlds. We can monitor therapy patients, taking them from injury to normal movement activity, while our fitness clients strive for performance, strength, conditioning and speed. In addition it allows patients once recovered from injury, to progress seamlessly from therapy to fitness programs with licensed trainers for injury prevention.”
Fitness participants undergo a thorough movement screening – a head -to-toe quantitative orthopedic screen conducted by a licensed therapist. This diagnostic technique reveals joint or soft tissue restriction, strength imbalances, or movement sequencing considerations. From there, a personal trainer coordinates with a physical therapist to create a comprehensive training program tailored to each client.
Always ahead of the curve in his industry, Michael Dow has outfitted his offices with a breakthrough functional training system, the Synrgy 360, from LifeFitness, a global equipment supplier of quality fitness equipment. “From the inception of the practice I was determined to use high-quality equipment that's also advanced and reliable. I take pride in the architectural aesthetic of our facilities inclusive of functionality and flow.” He added, “What people see, feel, and use is extremely important. The equipment reaches all patients, pediatrics to geriatrics. We have to vary our treatment styles and provide the tools to support it. In the end it's all about our patients and clients. We're here to improve their physical health, and ultimately their lifestyles. We live for that.”
Amity Physical Therapy operates five offices: Woodbridge, Hamden, Branford, Milford and Wallingford.

Michael Dow MSPT is founder and CEO of Amity Physical Therapy. He received his degree from Sacred Heart University where, recently, he was awarded the 2024 Silver Pioneer Outstanding Alumni
designation “for an alumni who has reached a 25th milestone reunion year and whose life has been exemplary.”
His practice has won numerous awards and accolades for his compassionate approach to patient healing. He has established a scholarship program for PT students at Sacred Heart University... created a
partnership with Pop Warner football to prevent and treat concussions... upgraded physical therapy offices to “wellness centers” and has been recognized by the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services for his
work with the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
In short, Michael Dow not only raised the bar in the medical art of physical therapy, he has created a culture in that profession. Michael can be reached in his Woodbridge office at 203-389-4593 or visit