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Orange Lions Club Hosts Thanksgiving

October 26, 2023
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A large group of people sitting at tables in a room

Every year, the members of the Lions Club of Orange provide a Thanksgiving Dinner at High Plains Community Center, their 35th annual.  Join them the first Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 26, 2023 at 12 PM.  Doors to open at 11:30AM.

The dinner is open to everyone free of charge, but their target guests are the town’s elders, shut-ins, and all those in need of good food and fellowship.  Dinner will include salad, rolls, turkey, stuffing, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

Entertainment is provided, featuring the musical styles of Craig Calistro for your enjoyment.

If you plan to attend, please call Orange Community services at (203) 891-4788 to get your name on the list by Monday, November 20th.  This will let the Lions know how many guests to expect, so they will have enough food for everyone.

Transportation can be provided by the Community Services Transportation program.  Call the Transportation Coordinator Jenny Hudson at (203) 891-4788 to arrange a ride.

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