Kathy Kennedy Announces Run for Fourth Term

Milford-State Rep. Kathy Kennedy, who is serving her third term in the Connecticut General Assembly representing the 119th House District covering portions of Orange and Milford, announced she plans to run for another term this November.
Kennedy has built a reputation for her bipartisanship, working with both sides of the political aisle to promote important policies like improved mental health for children, additional protections for domestic violence victims, and working for better health care outcomes for women.
Kennedy currently serves on the legislative Public Health, Appropriations, and Education committees. While serving on the budget-writing Appropriations committee, Kennedy helped guide through a state budget that included the largest tax cut for state residents in Connecticut history.
She is currently the head House Republican on the Transportation committee and negotiated a new law which looks to be proactive and stop tragic wrong-way crashes from becoming endemic. The law calls for the installation of wrong- way driving detection systems on at least 120 high-risk exit ramps. The law also calls for a public awareness campaign about the growing problem while also requiring the Department of Transportation to provide a grant to the University of Connecticut to analyze the effectiveness of directional rumble strips.
Kathy also serves as a member of the bi-partisan Women’s Caucus, the Coastal caucus, the I/DD caucus for the those with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the EMS/Fire caucus. Additionally, Kennedy serves on the Social Emotional Learning & School Climate workgroup to help educators and schools meet the mental health needs of Connecticut students. Finally, she is also a member of the Endometriosis Working Group and the Breast Cancer Awareness Working Group, Animal Advocacy Caucus.
This year, Kathy has been elected by her female peers across the country to be the Connecticut State Director of Women in Government.
Kennedy prides herself on her common sense approach to government. “I love what I do and I want to continue representing the people of Milford and Orange,” said Rep. Kennedy. “When I look at a piece of legislation and before I vote, I inquire on whether the policy change positively or negatively affects my constituents, and vote accordingly. I always try to put my district first.”
Some of the key accomplishments:
- Supported historic tax relief for Milford and Orange families and seniors
- Stood up to attempts by the Governor to ban gas-powered cars and trucks
- Worked to make our roads safer for drivers and pedestrians
- Fought to preserve local control of zoning and oppose the state-takeover of zoning
- Pushed for improved public safety measures to address the rise in juvenile crime & street takeovers
- Advocated for a new law to better protect domestic violence victims
Additionally, Kennedy spent many hours communicating with residents through email and phone conversation. Kathy can always be seen in the communities she represents meeting with her constituents and business owners. One of her joys is celebrating the successes of small businesses, new and old.