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Holy Infant Church Women’s Guild for April 2023

April 6, 2023
Time to read:

The Holy Infant Church Women’s Guild will have a meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 6:46 pm in the Guild Hall.  It will be a night of cultural diversity.  We will hear from women from other faiths about their traditions for celebrating the Holy Days and we will talk about how we celebrate ours.  We will have some tasty treats to share reflecting some of the traditional desserts enjoyed by their families and ours.

The Women’s Guild Scholarship application is now available online on the parish website, and at each door of the church.  Completed applications are due back at the rectory office by 1:30 pm on April 24, 2023.  The scholarship is for high school senior girls from the parish who will be attending a 4-year college or university next year.  There will be two $1,000.00 scholarships awarded.

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