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Girl Scout News for July 2023

June 21, 2023
Time to read:
A group of young girls standing next to each other

It's officially June:  the days are getting longer and its almost time for this troop to go camping!  Troop 60274 is officially wrapping up its first year as Cadette level girl scouts.  I am very proud of the work they put in these past few months especially.  We completed several badges including:  cadette first aid, animal helper, babysitter and Night Owl.  We had 5 new members join this year, so we put a lot of emphasis on our more senior girl scouts to teach them the traditions and skills we take pride in.  Cookie season came and went.  After our sell out cookie booth, the troop enjoyed taking a few field trips and participating in community events such as the Beverly Levy Discovery to a Cure walk at High Plains Community Center.  The girl scouts were invited to lead the walkers, had a blast doing face painting, and had the opportunity to meet Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.  Next up: is working with the House of Heroes Inc. Connecticut organization this month.  Great work Girl scouts.

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